Statistical Evaluation for claims and disputes in construction contracts


  • Raid Saleem Abd Ali, Dr Assistant Professor, Building and construction department, University of Technology
  • Nooran kanaan Yassin Student of MSc, Building and construction department, University of Technology



construction contracts, claims, disputes, Statistical Evaluation, contractor


This research aims to diagnose and identify the causes of claims and disputes between the contractor and the employer, also review the methods used to resolve disputes in construction contracts. In order to achieve the goal of the research, scientific methodology is followed to collect information and data on the subject of claims and disputes in construction projects in Iraq through personal interviews and questionnaire form. The most important results in this research are: the price schedule contract as a kind of competitive contracts is the most important and guarantee for the completion of minimum level of claims and disputes with relative importance of (84.1), compared with the (cost plus a percentage of the cost contract) as a kind of negotiating contracts is the most relative importance of (79.6), and the turnkey contract as a kind of special contracts is the most relative importance of (74.2). The  contractor and  his agents are one of the most influence sources in occurring claims and disputes in construction contracts with relative importance of (77.4) followed by the contract documents with relative importance of (74.2) and then the employer with relative importance of (73.2). In addition to the long period of litigation and the multiplicity of veto grades are most negative when contractual disputes have resolved by it, and with relative importance of (86), followed by the large number of issues and lack of efficiency and specialty of Judges with relative importance (78.4). Finally, the direct negotiation method (relative importance of 77) is one of the most friendly settlement ways favored by conflicted parties, while the resolution of disputes and claims board (relative importance of 10) occupied the last rank in the friendly settlement ways.


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Civil Engineering

How to Cite

Abd Ali, R. S., & Yassin, N. kanaan. (2017). Statistical Evaluation for claims and disputes in construction contracts. Wasit Journal of Engineering Sciences, 5(2), 80-96.

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