Intelligent Reconfigurable surface technique for Multiple Antenna Communication System


  • Noor Qasim wasit university
  • Ismail Hburi
  • Haider Salih Al Ammar



Keywords: digital to analog pre-coding, intelligent recon-figure able surface (IRS), minimum mean squared error pre-coder (MMSE), Matching pursuit (sparse approximation) method


The throughput growth of the coming wireless communication schemes requires the deployment of more base stations at a lower power use. We were inspired by the newly recommended intelligent reconfigurable surface technique (IRS) to address this issue. Specifically, this article mainly concerns the joint pre-coding scheme design challenge concerning improving the output at the base station (or the access point) and IRS stages. An iteration strategy called MMSE-MP has been developed, procedures a minimum mean squared error pre-coder (MMSE) approach for the Digital-BF and the Matching Pursuit (sparse approximation algorithm) for the Analog pre-coding, to cope with this complex challenge. For the reflecting element phase shift matrix the algorithm uses the arrival/departure angles of the LoS rays at the IRS elements. Basically, the joint problem of optimizing the analog and the digital pre-coder was transformed into a one-variable matrix reconstruction, i.e., sparsity-constrained signal-recovery optimization. The simulation outcome confirms that there is nearly 66.5% spectral enhancement if comparing with the classic network without IRS for a certain power scenario of the scheme.


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Electrical Engineering

How to Cite

Qasim, N., Hburi, I., & Al Ammar, H. S. (2024). Intelligent Reconfigurable surface technique for Multiple Antenna Communication System. Wasit Journal of Engineering Sciences, 12(3), 15-24.